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SB 800: Down but Not Out!

Until recently SB 800 was down for the count. Many in the building industry thought the law was going to be killed by the Liberty Mutual decision two years ago. It was there that the California

November 24, 2015
2 min read

Is Legionnaires’ Disease Lurking in Your Vertical Community?

If you have cooling towers at your community you might want make sure they are disease free. The Legionnaires' disease is a type of pneumonia caused by “legionella” bacteria, named for a 1976 outbreak following an American Legion convention in Philadelphia.

November 24, 2015
1 min read

El Nino or Arkstorm, What’s the Difference?

There is talk in the meteorological community about the possibility of a 100-year storm event hitting California and the West Coast. The last time that happened was in 1862 when the Great Flood of

November 24, 2015
2 min read

Are your Homes and Communities Prepared for Winter Rains?

If we have an El Nino or not it is imperative to take proactive measures to get the longest life out of your building components and common areas.

November 24, 2015
2 min read

Interview with David Norvell, Director of Community Relations, Pardee Homes

Can you imagine having served on more than 800 HOA Boards or having attended over 30,000 HOA meetings? Well Dave Norvell can. As a seasoned vet of the HOA and Building industries, Dave brings us a

November 24, 2015
6 min read

Reclaimed Water Restrictions

Did you know using reclaimed water for irrigation comes with some restrictions. Reclaimed or recycled water is former wastewater (sewage) that is treated to remove solids and impurities. It has been widely used as a tool to keep landscaping irrigated in drought ridden states. However, due to the intense process involved in removing impurities, human contact should be avoided.

September 1, 2015
2 min read

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