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For over 100 years, the town of Bodie, California has been abandoned. It was not always like this though. In the 1800's, the town was filled with people living in the homes, staying in the hotels and working in the saloons. Fast forward to 2021, the town of Bodie is still abandoned, but they have regular maintenance on all of the buildings. But why?
There is much more that goes into your health than working out. Making time for your hobbies, setting routines, practicing gratitude are all just some of the things we can do to shape our minds, bodies, and souls for a better future.
California is becoming more well known for their high taxes, homeless encampments, over-regulation and small business shut downs. Is that why people are leaving?
This month we caught up with Rebecca McDonald from Walters Management to hear what she has going on both personally and professionally. We wanted to thank Rebecca for her time. Please continue below to read the full interview.
The first 3D-printed house is officially for sale in New York and the technology used to create it, is well, something worth seeing.
Indoor plants don't just look good, they can make us feel good too. House plants are good for your health! Below are five plants that can help improve your space.