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What's worse than a high electricity bill during the winter? Try the high electricity bill during the summer. Luckily for all of us, with new home technology we might be able to make improvements on that hefty bill we all dread during peak seasons.
HOA’s and landlords face the end of rental eviction moratorium. An ominous cloud covering the housing market is starting to send shivers down landlords spines. Residents are not paying rent, and when they're finally asked to, some say they'll just flee - leaving the landlord to cover the costs.
With longer and warmer days ahead, we anxiously anticipate summer's arrival. What’s a great way to celebrate the new season? A bonfire? Learn why bonfires have been used to celebrate summer solstice for centuries.
It's no secret that those who see each other in person everyday form stronger bonds than those who don't. So, is this why some behavioral scientists are saying that working from home ruins the dynamic within most teams?
Correlation doesn't always mean causation but in the world of consumer goods, housing, and gas, they sure seem to be connected. When one goes up, the others quickly follow.
My wife recently sold a house above asking price in just 7 hours. With housing prices soaring and the existing inventory of newly built homes dwindling, this story feels all too familiar.