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Affordable housing has been an issue in California for a long time. But, is the solution multiple dwellings per lot? CAI and HOA advocates have raised concerns regarding SB 9...
This month we caught up Joel Just, President of CAMCO Nevada, to discuss recent HOA news and to hear what is going on within his company. We want to thank Joel for his time. Please continue below to read the full interview.
Is it possible to ditch the traditional tent for a few items that will make your stay in nature more memorable and appealing?
High rises haven't always been built like they are today. In a small city called Shibam, skyscrapers of mud emerged as early as the 16th century, dating back over 1,700 years
Like a horse and a dangling carrot, lumber prices drop, we run towards buying. But something else lingers keeping the prices high, once again slowing buyers down.
Andy and Matthew dive deep into the specifics of SB 326 and what it means for HOAs in California. Answering many of the questions Community Managers and Board Members have today.