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Ooops I Just Spilled! How to Properly Clean Carpets

Red wine, soda and queso dip sounds like so much fun to start, but when it ends up ruining Clubhouse carpets it’s not so fun after all! Parties, meetings, hang outs, you name it, the clubhouse has seen its fair share of dirty sneakers and “oops I just spilled…”. When it comes to high level carpet cleaning, a dab of Spot Shot just doesn’t do the trick, a seven step process is needed.

November 4, 2014
3 min read

Dues Hikes, Mismanagement, and Angry Homeowners!

A good proactive maintenance program can help solve dues increases, overspending, and a HOA board inquisition! The flyer shown below is one of the countless examples of putting off maintenance to save money in the short-term, but the long-term effects are quite devastating.

October 27, 2014
5 min read

Beyond Timers and Photocells: Wireless Lighting Control is Here

Most managers, HOA’s and buildings use either time clocks or photocells to turn their parking lot lights, landscape lights, signage and other outdoor lights on and off. While time clocks and photocells are better than a plain switch, they are 1970’s technology. A new company called “Wireless Telematics” ( has patented a wireless lighting controller that allows total internet control and monitoring of your outdoor lights. It automatically turns the outdoor lights on and off at precisely the right time every day based on the sunrise/sunset times (and longitude and latitude) of the exact location of your lights.

December 9, 2013
3 min read

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